Quantum Physics of Matter 1

course ID





14 Weeks

Semester DD


Course details

For the Bachelor degree in: Physics of Atmosphere and Meteorology the CFU are 8

Atomic Physics: One –electron atoms: Fine and Hperfine structure. Interaction of one-electron atoms with electromagnetic radiation. Interaction with external electric and magnetic fields . Two-electron atoms: ground state and excited states. Many electron atoms: the Central Field Approximation, the Hartree Fock method and the self consistent field.
Molecular Physics: the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Electronic structure of diatomic molecules: H2+ (LCAO); H2 molecule (LCAO e VB); Configuration Interaction (LCAO-CI) and Heitler-London approach; Huckel model. The rotation and vibration of diatomic molecules. Molecular spectra. The Rotational, Vibrational and Electronic spectra. Franck Condon principle. Raman spectroscopy.


LEARNING OUTCOMES: The aim of the course is to provide a solid knowledge of Atomic and Molecular Physics. To achieve this goal the course includes theoretical lessons as well as exercises for the numerical solution of problems.

Knowledge and understanding are carried out with a final exam consisting of a written test, aimed at ascertaining the student's ability to apply the acquired knowledge to numerical problems, and an oral examination.
In addition to the theoretical principles, both for atoms and for molecules, the student must know the experiments and spectroscopies necessary for the experimental verification of the theoretical principles.

Students must be able to apply the principles and approximation methods studied in the previous course of Quantum Mechanics to the solution of Atomic and Molecular Physics problems. For the solution of a simple physical problem the students must be able to identify the key elements and, making the necessary approximations, to know how to apply them.
In this course it is important to acquire the ability to describe the same physical quantity with different units of measurement and to choose the one most suited to the specific problem studied. For this purpose the student has to reach a deep competence of the physical quantities involved in atomic physics and their value.

The students are required to be able to connect the knowledge acquired in this specific course with their knowledge acquired in previous courses such as General Physics (I and II) and Quantum Mechanics courses. Furthermore, the study of the Structure of Matter can help the student develop the ability to evaluate the results of a given experiment and its consistency with respect to the theory. Finally this course allows to develop the ability to study the same subject on different text books.

Students are acquire to have a knowledge of English enough to understand scientific textbooks. For this purpose the ​​Sciences Faculty provides specific English courses.
Moreover the students must be able to illustrate a specific topic with a clear technical language in a simple and scientifically rigorous manner.

The course aims to develop a capacity for understanding, communication and application of the studied topics in very different contexts. For this purpose, during the course, numerous examples are also given applied to different scientific fields