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experimental physics of matter
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INFN Division Roma Tor Vergata
University Centre for Computation in Science and Technology
University Consortium for Space Physics
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Research Institutes in the Rome Tor Vergata Area
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Bachelor in Physics
Bachelor in Materials Science
Master Degrees
Master in Physics
Master in Materials Science and Technology
Master in Astrophysics and Space Science (Erasmus Mundus JMD)
Master in Nanomaterials for Green and Digital Transitions (Erasmus Mundus JMD)
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PhD in Physics
Phd in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science
Master in Physical Agents and Radioprotection
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  Tutors and Procurements
Calls for Teaching Tutors and Market Procurements
Call for for Erasmus+ Mobility for Study - FOR STUDENTS OF THE PHYSICS DEPARTMENT
(scadenza 15/04/2025 01:00)
Call for the admission procedures for the excellence path for the degree course in Physics (Class: L-30) a.y. 2024/2025
(scadenza 22/12/2024 11:59)
Call for the admission procedures for the excellence path for the master's degree course in Physics (Class: LM-17) a.y. 2024/2025
(scadenza 22/12/2024 11:59)
Call for Election of the Coordinator of the PhD Program in Physics 2024-2027
(scadenza 13/12/2024 12:00)
Selection for Tutoring Activities in Physics and Materials Science
(scadenza 25/10/2024 04:00)
Call for the selection of 1 Teaching Tutor
(scadenza 18/10/2024 12:00)
Call for the selection of 1 Teaching Tutor
(scadenza 18/10/2024 12:00)
Call for the selection of 4 Teaching Tutors
(scadenza 18/10/2024 12:00)
Announcement for Research Scholarship ASI - Microx2
(scadenza 13/03/2024 01:00)
Announcement for the assignment of n. 2 grants for teaching support activities (tutoring) for the academic year 2023/2024 - PLS Fisica
(scadenza 27/02/2024 12:00)
(scadenza 20/12/2023 12:00)
Master "Physical Agents and Radioprotection" teaching position 2023-24
(scadenza 25/11/2023 12:00)
Announcement for the awarding of n. 4 grants for teaching support activities (tutoring) for the academic year. 2023/2024 - MASS Project
(scadenza 21/10/2023 12:00)
Call for the assignment of n.1 studentship, training activities for Master's Degrees in Physics students
(scadenza 31/01/2023 04:00)
Call for the assignment of n.1 studentship, training activities for Master's Degrees in Physics students
(scadenza 31/01/2023 04:00)
Call for tutoring and / or supplementary teaching activities A.A. 22/23 - Doctoral and Master's students
(scadenza 18/10/2022 12:00)
Teaching assignment for n. 6 tutoring activities for the Department of Physics
(scadenza 20/05/2022 12:00)
Teaching assignment for n. 4 tutoring activities for the Department of Physics
(scadenza 01/02/2022 12:00)
Teaching assignment for n. 4 tutoring activities for the Department of Physics
(scadenza 01/02/2022 12:00)
Teaching assignment for n. 1 tutoring activity for the Department of Physics
(scadenza 01/02/2022 12:00)
5 awards - Physics a. y. 2020/2021
(scadenza 30/11/2021 11:59)
5 awards - Materials Science a.y. 2020/2021
(scadenza 30/11/2021 11:59)
Teaching assignment for n. 1 tutoring activities for the Department of Physics
(scadenza 24/11/2021 12:00)
Teaching assignment for n. 2 tutoring activities for the Department of Physics
(scadenza 24/11/2021 12:00)
Teaching assignment for n. 6 tutoring activities for the Department of Physics
(scadenza 24/11/2021 12:00)
Teaching assignment for tutoring activities for the Department of Physics
(scadenza 29/03/2021 12:00)
Teaching assignment for tutoring activities for the Department of Physics
(scadenza 15/02/2021 12:00)
Teaching assignment PLS activities support
(scadenza 15/02/2021 12:00)
Call for research grant in “Information technology applied to interdisciplinary physics"
(scadenza 06/12/2020 12:00)
Teaching assignment Master Master in Agenti fisici e Radioprotezione a.a. 2020/2021
(scadenza 04/12/2020 12:00)
Depatment of Medicine of Systems
(scadenza 19/11/2020 12:00)
Job post Scuola Istruzione a Distanza
(scadenza 19/11/2020 12:00)
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Theoretical Physics
(scadenza 09/11/2020 11:59)
INFN Recruitment
(scadenza 07/11/2020 12:00)
Job post
(scadenza 27/10/2020 12:00)
Avviso di accertamento per incarico di lavoro autonomo
(scadenza 21/10/2020 12:00)
Procurement call for the design and realisation of a Structural &Thermal Model, detector HEPD-02 for the project ASI N. 2018-7-HH.0
(scadenza 11/05/2020 12:00)
Ranking list - Call for selection for Tutoring Activities of Material Science lessons
(scadenza 25/02/2020 12:00)