Master Degree in Materials Science and Technology

Master Degree
120 ECTS
Free Access
Two years
Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1 00133 Roma
Language: Italian

The Master in Materials Science and Technology is part of the European reference framework for second cycle degree courses in the area of ​​Materials Science. The course is structured as a whole to provide the student with disciplinary insights aimed at extending and strengthening the knowledge acquired during the first cycle of studies. In particular, knowledge of the more strictly physical and chemical properties of materials, their applications in the biological field, as well as elements of engineering aspects are deepened.

For further information, visit the website: /

Within the Master Materials Science and Technology, the student can choose between two curricula:

1) Materials Science and Technology;
2) Photonics Materials.

Both provide for the graduation after passing exams for a total of 120 credits.

The "Materials for Photonics" curriculum is organized in collaboration with the:

"Photonik" Master of the Wildau University of Berlin, and provides for the compulsory attendance of the second semester of the first year at the German University.
The courses provided will be delivered in English. The result of this collaboration is the achievement of a double parchment:

  • the Italian Master's Degree
  • the Master Engineering-Photonics of the University of Wildau

Immediately after enrolling, students must communicate to the Secretariat of the Macro Area of ​​Sciences the their choice of curriculum.
This choice can be changed, with the approval of the Degree Program Council (CCS), before the start of the second semester of the first year.

Training objectives

  • to acquire the knowledge of Physics and Chemistry, as well as the experimental skills useful for the development of new materials starting from the knowledge of the atoms and the molecules that compose them;
  • acquire the basic knowledge of Mathematics and Computer Science necessary to elaborate models and to process the data deriving from the study of innovative materials;
  • possess the engineering methodology necessary to prefigure complex processes that require high organizational skills;
  • being able to plan, manage and coordinate experiments involving different disciplines;
  • finally acquire a sufficient business culture and the ability to communicate in writing and verbally in English.

For more information, visit: http: / /

  • Access to the PhD
  • Research contracts (in universities or research institutes, in Italy and abroad)
  • Access to the managerial career of the public administration.
  • Qualified use in manufacturing industries (microelectronics, TLC, nano materials and software sectors).

Graduates can foresee teaching in the school as an occupation, once the qualification process for teaching has been completed and the competitions required by current legislation have been passed.

Here are some testimonials from "Beyond the materials. The science between our fingers. Forty stories of work and training" by Liu "M. Catena and Ivan Davoli, Springer, 2010.

Materials science makes the dream of the ancient alchemists a little: to transform what is worth little into something new and of great value (...)

Piero Angela



Coordinator of the Physics Study Program:
Prof. Claudio Goletti

Teaching Secretariat of the Physics Study Course:
Samanta Marianelli

Reception hours: Monday and Friday 10.00 / 12.00 - Wednesday 14.00 / 16.00