14 Weeks
Semester DD
-Review of QED and QCD
Color, gauge symmetries, gluons, - Asymptotic freedom and confinement - QCD perturbative and alphas (q2) and alpha (q2) measurements - QCD and QED tests
-The Standard Model of electroweak interactions and the Higgs mechanism. Charged and neutral weak currents. The Weinberg angle and the Z and W bosons masses. Standard Model experimental tests at LEP and Tevatron. Discovery of the Higgs boson at LHC. Test of the Standard Model at LHC. Search for new physics at LHC. Physics prospects at the next generation of accelerators: HL-LHC and Linear Collider.
The student will learn the basics of the Standard Model of Electrode Interactions and its phenomenological consequences. Starting from the Yang-Mills theories, the electroweak forces unification up to the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking (Higgs mechanism), to arrive at the complete construction of the Standard Model and its experimental tests. Finally, the problems of this model will be mentioned and the directions in which it can be extended to solve them.
The course aims to provide students with the concepts to understand and interpret the
precision measurements of the Standard Model made with the e + e- and hadron colliders, with examples from LEP, the proton-antiproton collider Tevatron and above all from the proton-proton LHC collider.
The course aims to complete the introduction to particle physics carried out in the course of Elementary Particles I by referring to the recent discoveries that contributed to the validation of the Standard Model
An important part of the training objectives of the course is the ability to autonomously face the update on cutting edge research in elementary particle physics and to know how to communicate the acquired knowledge. These skills are acquired in particular during the study for the preparation of the exam, through the deepening of some specific topics with the consultation of articles in magazines.
In an oral presentation with slides preparation, the student presents an in-depth research on a topic of physics inherent to the program carried out.
Knowledge of the problems related to the validation of the Standard Model - Knowledge of the problems related to the experimental study of perturbative QCD - Knowledge of the problems related to the experimental study of the electroweak interaction - Knowledge of a topic chosen on a cutting-edge theme in the field