Chemodynamics of the Atmosphere

course ID





14 Weeks

Semester DD


Course details

The course includes four modules (lectures + computer lab):

I. Atmospheric composition: gaseous trace pollutants and aerosol.

II. Tropospheric aerosol: micro-physical properties (size distributions), and dynamics of formation and growth (nucleation, coagulation, condensation). Trace gaseous compounds: dynamics (formation, transport, diffusion, and removal) in the troposphere.

III. Interaction of gaseous compounds and aerosol with radiation: the nature of light absorbing and scattering materialin the troposphere.

IV.Interactions between air pollution, human health and climate. Experimental data analysis (MATLAB® will be used).


LEARNING OUTCOMES AND EXPECTED RESUL TS: 1. Knowledge of the composition of the atmosphere, with a focus on trace components, in the gas and particulate phase (aerosol), analysis of relevant molecules and relateci dynamics in the troposphere and stratosphere. 2. Understanding of the relateci key processes and relateci forcing factors: from I ife times and space-time scales, to sources, transformation processes and sinks of pollutants. 3. Evaluation of the links between dynamics of trace components of the atmosphere, atmospheric pollution and air quality with focus on health effects on humans and planetary health including climate changes. 4. Analysis of relevant experimental data, application of numerica! methodologies, discussion and synthesis of results.