Introduction To Crystal Growth

course ID





14 Weeks

Semester DD


Course details

Crystal equilibrium: Supersaturation, Equation of Gibbs-Thomson, Equation of Laplace, Wulff Theorem, Crystal on a surface, Herring’s Formula, Atomistic views on crystal growth, Model of Jackson.
Nucleation: Thermodynamics, Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation, Rate of nucleation, Atomistic theory of nucleation.
Crystal growth: Growth on R surfaces, Growth on F surfaces, Growth from vapor phase, Rate of advance of a step, Rate of advance of a train of steps, Growth by two-dimensional nucleation, Layer by layer growth, Ehrlich–Schwoebel barrier.
Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Growth process, technology and reactors for MBE growth. Techniques for the growth monitoring: RHEED and LEED.


LEARNING OUTCOMES: Understanding of the theoretical and experimental basis for the epitaxial growth of crystals and of the main phenomena related to it. Basic knowledge of the main vapor phase growth techniques and the typically diagnostic techniques.

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student must develop the fundamental knowledge in the field of nucleation of crystals from vapor phase and subsequent growth.

APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student must be able to face simple problems related to the growth of both three-dimensional and low-dimensional heterostructures. He must be able to examine problems not directly dealt with in the course but that can be dealt with the tools acquired.

MAKING JUDGEMENTS: The student must develop a critical sense and scientific methodology that will allow him to tackle topics of Materials Science with an interdisciplinary character between Physics and Chemistry.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The student must be able to illustrate the topics of the course and, possibly, understand how to apply the acquired knowledge also in other fields. He/she must also be able to illustrate them to scientific and non-scientific interlocutors.

LEARNING SKILLS: The student must demonstrate an advancement of knowledge and understanding in the field of Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics, including through more advanced textbooks and specialized scientific articles on current research topics.