The Bachelor in Materials Science provides the student with the knowledge of physics and chemistry (in addition to the necessary mathematics) useful for achieving the first two objectives, guaranteeing both solid theoretical foundations and a high participation in laboratory activities.
The course is structured in:
Specific Teachings of Science materials through which students gradually integrate the two different approaches, chemical and physical, aimed at studying materials;
Final internship at companies or research institutions (public or private) operating in the materials sector and who have signed specific didactic collaboration agreements with this Degree Course.
The 180 credits of the three-year course are divided into 20 exams, plus a foreign language exam, and the final exam.
The courses last six months, with the exception of the course "General inorganic chemistry with laboratory" which is divided into two modules - extends over two semesters.
The Bachelor in Materials Science aims to ensure the attending student the acquisition of
In particular, the proposed courses aim to provide:
1) an in-depth knowledge of chemistry and physics in their experimental and theoretical aspects;
2) the understanding and use of the appropriate mathematical tools and adequate knowledge IT tools for data and results management;
3) a solid working methodology and an interdisciplinary approach oriented towards problem solving;
4) specific laboratory skills, through a variety of techniques in the fields of analysis, characterization and of the synthesis of materials;
5) ability of scientific communication and work co ordered within groups.
After a three-year degree, you can:
Furthermore, job opportunities such as access to technical professions in government organizations or private sectors (banking, insurance companies, services) at intermediate decision-making levels are possible; employment in industry as technical assistants (for example in sectors such as electronics, software / computing, telecommunications, synthesis and characterization of materials); employment in the information science and technology sector; the role of teacher in private organizations.
The industrial sectors interested in these professional figures are mainly the manufacturing ones involved in the production of goods with chemical, mechanical or electronic characteristics, without neglecting production sectors for improving the environment, saving energy and conserving cultural heritage.
Public and private research bodies are also interested in these professional figures.
Coordinator of the Physics Study Program:
Prof. Claudio Goletti
Teaching Secretariat of the Physics Study Course:
Samanta Marianelli Tel.: 0672594849
Reception hours: Monday and Friday 10.00 / 12.00 - Wednesday 14.00 / 16.00
Material Science
First Year
I° semester
Matematica 1
Laboratorio di Fisica Sperimentale 1
Chimica Generale e Inorganica
con Laboratorio (Mod.1)
Lingua Inglese
II° semester
Fisica Sperimentale
Chimica Generale e Inorganica
con Laboratorio (Mod.2)
Matematica 2
Chimica Organica con Laboratorio
Second Year
I° semester
Fisica Sperimentale II
Metodi Matematici
Chimica Fisica con Laboratorio
Laboratorio di Fisica Sperimentale 2
II° semester
Laboratorio di Informatica
Elementi di Fisica Teorica
Chimica delle Macromolecole
con Laboratorio
Laboratorio di Elettronica
Third Year
I° semester
Fondamenti di Fisica Atomica
e Molecolare
Chimica dei Solidi con Laboratorio
Chimica Analitica con Laboratorio
Fisica dei Materiali con Laboratorio
II° semester
Fisica dei Solidi
Elective Activities
First Year
I° semester
Introduzione alla Scienza dei Materiali
Esperimenti Didattici in Fisica Classica
e Moderna
II° semester
Fondamenti di Didattica della Fisica
Fondamenti di Metallurgia
Onde e Oscillazioni
Preparazione, Struttura
e Proprietà di Materiali Sinterizzati
Second Year
I° semester
Introduzione alla Scienza dei Materiali
Esperimenti Didattici in Fisica Classica
e Moderna
II° semester
Superconduttività Applicata
Molecole Organiche su Superfici
Third Year
I semester
Spettroscopia Elettronica
Fisica dei Dispositivi a Stato Solido
Introduzione alla Crescita dei Cristalli
II semester
Materiali per Dispositivi Elettronici
Chimica dei Materiali per
l’Elettronica Molecolare
Assorbimento e Diffrazione con
Luce di Sincrotrone
Complementi di Ottica
Coordinator of the Physics Study Program:
Prof. Claudio Goletti
Teaching Secretariat of the Physics Study Course:
Samanta Marianelli Tel.: 0672594849
Reception hours: Monday and Friday 10.00 / 12.00 - Wednesday 14.00 / 16.00
To know more on financial support, fees, video guides and much more visit the dedicated information path page for future students.