14 Weeks
Semester DD
Atomic Physics: fine corrections for hydrogen atom (Pauli’s equation); hydrogen atom and fields (strong and weak magnetic field; electric field and polarizability); electromagnetic radiation and its interaction with matter (electronic transitions and selection rules in dipole approximation); two electrons atom (perturbative and variational approach for the fundamental state; perturbative approach for excited states); many-electron atoms (multiplets), central field approximation, Hatree- Fock theory. Molecular Physics: Born-Oppenheimer approximation; H2+ (LCAO); H2 molecule (LCAO e VB); Configuration Interaction (LCAO-CI) and Heitler-London approach; Huckel model; dynamics of nuclei (vibrations and rotations); Franck-Condon principle. Problems solution both of atomic and molecular physics.
Co-teaching: Prof. Goletti Claudio