Measurements and Analysis of Biosignals

course ID





14 Weeks

Semester DD


Course details

Deterministic and stochastic signals. Linear and nonlinear systems. Fourier Analysis, frequency response of a linear system. Analysis of discrete time series. Time-frequency Analysis (STFT, Wavelets, Matching Pursuit). Time-frequency domain filtering. Statistical inference, sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests. Transducers and electrodes. Noise and interference, bioelectric amplifiers. ECG, EMG and EEG. Mathematical models and experiments: an example of applied research: biophysics of the auditory system, cochlear mechanics and measurement of otoacoustic emissions. The results of the experiment will be the object of a written essay, on which the final exam will be based.


LEARNING OUTCOMES: Developing specific knowledge in the field of measurement and analysis of Biosignals, starting from a general advanced knowledge of signal analysis, statistical analysis, and mathematical modeling, emphasizing the specific aspects of the application of these techniques to the the Physics of Biological Systems.

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The students are guided towards an integrated knowledge of the theoretical, experimental and data analytic issues at the basis of the diagnostic techniques used in physiology and clinical medicine. The study of a specific topic using recent scientific papers brings the students to the level of the state of the art in that research field, as verified by the discussion of a monographic written essay.

APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: An advanced complex problem and an ample bibliography is proposed to the students, and they are asked to run an experiment (or numerical simulation) and to write a monographic essay in the form of a scientific paper (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions).

MAKING JUDGEMENTS: In the developmeny of the essay, the student is encouraged to exercise their critical spirit and personal inventive in the analysis of the existent bibliography abd in the discussion of the results of their work, even contradicting published results, if the experimental evidence allows that, but within the limits of a "conservative" Bayesian approach.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The communication skills are developed by encouraging the formation of small teams for performing the research of the essay, and asking for a final exam presentation analogue to that of a scientific work at a conference.

LEARNING SKILLS: The acquired knowledge allow the students to continue their autonomous activity at PhD level in the specific field of the Measurement and Analysis of Biosignals.