14 Weeks
Semester DD
PART 1 – Fast neutrons and nuclear reactions (16 hours)
Discovery of the neutron and historical notes. Fundamental properties. Laboratory neutron sources and large research infrastructures. Sources based on alpha and beta decays, nuclear fusion and fission reactions, and Spallation. Neutron detectors and energy selectors. Neutron beam lines, diffractometers, direct and indirect geometry spectrometers.
PART 2 – Slow neutrons and condensed matter (16 hours)
Fermi interaction pseudopotential. Elastic diffraction from solids. Inelastic scattering from Einstein solids and molecules. Scattering from perfect gas, ortho/para hydrogen. Thermal cross sections and neutron moderators. Quasi elastic scattering in liquids. Elastic scattering from glasses and amorphous materials. Deep inelastic neutron scattering.
PART 3 – Applications (16 hours)
Characterization of materials, various examples. Medical applications and neutron capture therapies. Transmutations and elemental analysis by neutron activation. Applications to cultural heritage. Irradiation of electronic devices and space applications. Neutronics in nuclear fusion and fission reactors. Safety and monitoring of water and hydrocarbons, radiation protection aspects.
The course aims to provide the student with advanced preparation in relation to the techniques of production and detection of neutrons, their interaction with condensed and nuclear matter, and the related applications ranging from biology, to medicine, to the science of materials, to the aerospace industry. The objective is to form a knowledge of the neutron-matter interaction as a multiscale process which has condensed-matter and nuclear Physics as limiting cases of a single treatment. Finally, the course aims to present experimental applications ranging from non-invasive characterizations of cultural heritage, radiography and neutron tomography, aspects of radiation protection, medical physics and neutron capture therapy, neutronics in fusion and fission nuclear plants.
The student will have to obtain an in-depth understanding of the basic concepts and main theories of neutron-matter interaction, including diffusion from crystals and molecules, neutron-induced radioactivity, transmutation and nuclear fission.
The student must be able to plan an experiment, based on neutron techniques, in relation to a given scientific case, recognizing the areas of applicability of the methods and procedures described in the course.
The student must be able to motivate the use of neutron experimental techniques to address specific scientific cases. Furthermore, it must be able to establish whether, following neutron irradiation of a given material, artificial radioactivity is induced or which nuclear reactions or diffusion mechanisms can take place in a real case.
The student must be able to communicate the main mechanisms of interaction of the neutron with matter in a clear, correct and unambiguous way. Furthermore, the ability to correlate topics is required, both within teaching and in an interdisciplinary way with other topics addressed during one's studies, also through the correct formulation of questions and active interaction with the teacher.
The student must have acquired adequate skills to plan experiments or experimental campaigns, for example at large research infrastructures at a European and global level, or to undertake research paths linked to the development of theoretical models or experimental instrumentation for neutron techniques, especially in multidisciplinary and applicative fields, both in the academic field and at national or international research institutes or in the private sector.