Graduates of the Bachelor in Physics will carry out professional activities in the fields of technological applications of Physics at an industrial level (e.g. electronics, optics, IT, mechanics, acoustics, etc.), laboratory activities and related services, in particular, to radiation protection, environmental control and safety, the development and characterization of materials, telecommunications, remote controls of satellite systems and participation in the activities of public and private research bodies, and in all areas, even if not scientific (e.g. economics, finance, security), where the ability to analyze and model even complex phenomena with scientific methodology is required.
The course is structured in two different curricula:
Both curricula provides activities aimed at acquiring basic and fundamental knowledge:
among the training activities in the various disciplinary sectors, they provide laboratory activities for a suitable number of credits, in particular dedicated to the knowledge of experimental methods, measurement and data processing; they can provide, in relation to specific objectives, external activities, such as training placements in companies, public administration structures and laboratories, as well as study stays at other Italian and foreign universities, also in the framework of international agreements.
After a three-year degree, you can:
The course prepares the profession of Physical Technicians (ISTAT code
You will also have access to technical professions in government organizations or private sectors (banking, insurance companies, services) at intermediate decision-making levels: Employment in the industry as technical assistants for example in sectors such as electronics, software / computing, telecommunications, materials.
First Year
I° semester |
II° semester |
I° semester |
II° semester |
Calcolo 2 |
Relatività, Onde ed Ottica |
I° semester |
II° semester |
Meccanica Quantistica |
Fisica Quantistica della Materia 1 |
First Year
I° semester |
II° semester |
Meccanica e Termodinamica |
I° semester |
II° semester |
Calcolo 2 |
Relatività, Onde ed Ottica |
I° semester |
II° semester |
Meccanica Quantistica |
Fisica Quantistica della Materia 1 |
Elective Courses (6 ECTS unless indicated otherwise)
First Semester
Fisica Biologica 1 (*)
Fisica Biologica 2 (*)
Acceleratori di Particelle (*)
Metodi Probabilistici per la Fisica (*) (!)
Misure ed Analisi di Biosegnali (*)
Elementi di Astrofisica (*)
Physics of Energy and the Environment (*)
Second Semester
Fondamenti di Analisi Matematica (*) (!)
Algebra 1 (*) (!)(8 cfu – Borrowed from Laurea in Math Degree Course)
Complementi di Geometria e Algebra (!)
Computer Technology
Fondamenti di Informatica (*) (!) (Borrowed from Computer Technology Degree Course)
Acustica (*) - From the Science and Media Technologies Degree Programme
Complementi di Ottica (*) – From the Materials Science Degree Programme
Elettronica 1 (*)
Fisica dei Plasmi (*)
Fisica dei Sistemi Dinamici (*) (!)
Fisica Medica (*)
Fisica Teorica 1 (*)
Fluidodinamica (*) (!) (6 cfu, part of o Geofluidodinamica 9 cfu)
Introduzione all’Astronomia (*) (!)
Materiali e Fenomeni a Basse Temperature – From the Materials Science Degree Programme
Metodologie Sperimentali per la Ricerca di Processi Rari (*)
Nuclear Sciences and Applications
Relatività e Cosmologia 1
Storia della Scienza (*) (!) (8 Cfu)
Termodinamica dei Processi Irreversibili (*)
Chimica Biologica (*) (9 cfu)
Chimica Fisica con Laboratorio (*) (9 cfu)
Genetica di Base e Tecnologie Genetiche (*) (!) (7 cfu)
(*) Quantum Mechanics is not a pre-requisite for these courses
(!) These courses can be attended on the second semester of the second year.
Extra-curricula teaching
Esperimenti Didattici nella Fisica Classica e Moderna (I semester)
Fondamenti di Didattica della Fisica (II semester)
Coordinator of the Physics Teaching Committee:
Coordination Group:
Vice-coordinatore: Prof. Roberto Senesi
Orientamento in Ingresso: Prof.ssa Viviana Fafone
Orientamento in Itinere: Prof. Nazario Tantalo, Prof. Roberto Frezzotti
Coordinamento delle attività di Stage interni ed esterni: Prof.ssa Anna di Ciaccio
Organizzazione della riunione con le parti Sociali: Coordinatore e Vice-coordinatore
Organizzazione della giornata inaugurale: Dr. Francesco Stellato e Dr. Velia Minicozzi
Aggiornamento delle informazioni sul sito web di Macroarea e Guida dello Studente: Coordinatore
Bandi per studenti meritevoli e Percorsi di Eccellenza: Prof. Mauro Sbragaglia e Prof.ssa Annalisa D'Angelo
Bandi di Macroarea (Incentivazioni, Tutor e Part Time): Dr. Francesco Stellato (Tutoraggio) e Dr. Velia Minicozzi (Incentivazioni)
Controllo Piano Didattico: Dr Luca Camilli
Secretariat of the Physics Teaching Committee:
Samanta Marianelli, Tel.: 0672594849
Reception hours: Monday and Friday 10.00 / 12.00 - Wednesday 14.00 / 16.00
To know more on financial support, fees, video guides and much more visit the dedicated information path page for future students.