10/12/2023 2:30:00 PM
CCR Training course

We inform you that the CCR "Pills of National Services" ONLINE training course has been activated. The training project consists of 8 meetings lasting two hours each, in which the uses of the different tools will be presented. The meetings will be held from 2.30 pm at 4.30pm on the following dates: - 21 September: Collaborative Tools: Online planning with Newdle (newdle.infn.it), Collaborative writing of notes with CodiMD (codimd.infn.it) and URL shortening (l.infn.it) - 28 September: Alfresco: Introduction to daily use - 12 October: Mailing Lists - 26 October: Management of video content in Mediawall (mediawall.infn.it) and INFN chat systems (Rocketchat - chat.infn.it) - 09 November: Websites: available tools, application procedure, administrator tasks. Access analysis in Matomo (analytics.infn.it) - 23 November: Introduction to the use of GitLab (baltig.infn.it) - 07 December: INFN Password Manager (vault.infn.it) and survey management systems (surveys. infn.it) - 14 December: Cloud storage (Pydio/Pydio Cells) and INFN calendars (calendar.infn.it). You can decide to participate only in the meetings of your interest, it is not mandatory to attend all the meetings. Given the particular structure of the course, there will be no registration for the training sessions, there will be no final test and no certificate of participation will be issued. People interested in participating in the various meetings are invited to communicate their wishes to the local representatives who will in turn inform the Director.