SPEAKER: George Savvidy (Demokritos National Research Centre & INPP, Athens, Greece)

TITLE: Landscape of Yang Mills vacuum fields and condensation of magnetic fluxes in QCD

ABSTRACT: The covariantly constant gauge fields are solutions of the sourceless Yang-Mills equation and represent classical vacuum fields. We found that the moduli space of the covariantly constant gauge fields is infinite-dimensional and is therefore much larger than the space of constant chromomagnetic fields. These solutions represent a space lattice of non-perturbative magnetic flux tubes/vertices oriented in the opposite directions, each of which has a topologically quantized magnetic flux. The geometrical structure of the solutions is self-sustaining without presence of any Higgs field support. They are similar to a condensate of the Nielsen-Olesen magnetic flux tubes of opposite orientations. The solutions have a non-vanishing Hopf invariant density.

DATE: Wednesday 9 Oct 2024, 14:00–15:00 CET

LOCATION: Aula Paoluzi, Department of Physics, Tor Vergata University