We will have the following seminar:


       Riccardo Gonzo (University of Edinburgh)

       Spinning waveforms from classical amplitudes

We discuss how to compute scattering waveforms for theclassical two-body problem purely from on-shell five-point amplitudes,generalizing the KMOC (in-in) approach to radiative observables.Restricting to the case of two Kerr black-holes, we derive thetime-domain waveform at leading order in the Post-Minkowskian expansionand at quartic order in the spin by using analyticity arguments tobypass the conventional observable phase-space integration. The resultis expressed only in terms of the three-point amplitude and thefour-point Compton amplitude, which makes it easier to generalize forthe case of generic spinning bodies (i.e. with tidal effects). Finally,I will show how we can analytically continue the waveform fromhyperbolic to (eccentric) bound orbits.

       Monday 20 November 2023, 14:00–15:00 CET
       AULA U.M. Grassano, Dept. of Physics, Tor Vergata University

       ZOOM LINK:  https://infn-it.zoom.us/j/82247215673?pwd=em1GRklEYngwMGVBbVVBb2VoL1pvdz09
       Meeting ID: 822 4721 5673
       Passcode: 182660