Dept. of Physics and INFN, University of Roma, Tor Vergata
Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133, Roma, Italy
skype callto://lucabiferale
2004-2009 EUROMECH scientific council of European Turbulence Conference
2004- Associated editor of Journal of Turbulence
2005-2017 CNISM (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze della Materia)
2006- International Collaboration for Turbulence Research ICTR
2007-2013 Divisional Associate Editor of Physical Review Letters
2007-2016 National coordinator of the network "Fields and Particles in Turbulence" (INFN)
2007-2011 Editorial Board of The European Physical Journal B
2008- Elecetd Fellow Americal Physical Society
2010- Elected Fellow EUROMECH Society
2009-2013 Managing Committe and Group Leader COST ACTION "Particles in Turbulence"
2011- Editorial Board of The European Physical Journal E
2012-2016 Scientific Committee High Performance Computing Centre CINECA
2013-2017 Physical Science Working Group (European Space Agency)
2013- Director CAST (Centre for Application of calculus to Science and Technology, U. Tor Vergata)
2014-2019 ERC Advanced Grant NewTURB
2013-2017 Steering Committee EuHIT "European High-Performance Infrastructures in Turbulence"
2013-2018 Managing Committee COST ACTION "Flowing Matter"
2014-2017 Managing Committee "Zefiro" HPC facility INFN
2015-2019 Supervisory Board HPC-LEAP (EJD)
2017 Science board of 'European Open Science Cloud for Research Pilot Projects (EOSC)
2017 Access Committe PRACE
2017-2021 Supervisory Board STIMULATE (EJD)
2020-2022 Scientific Expert, Italian Institute of Culture, Paris, France
2021-2026 ERC Advanced Grant Smart-TURB
ID | Course Name | Semester | Length | CFU |
2018 -2019 - Università degli studi di Tor Vergata - Dipartimento di Fisica