As part of the procedure for the implementation of the intervention FARE Research in Italy - Framework for the attraction and strengthening of excellence for research, now in its third edition, the project of prof. Luca Biferale is among the financed projects coming sixth in the ranking.

The project title is “Development of a platform for an augmented reality of the morphology and dynamics of the cardiovascular system: integration between numerical simulations, Nudging and Machine Learning techniques ” (Smart-HEART). 

The idea is simple but it represents an exceptional challenge: to use the partial and imperfect data coming from ultrasound Doppler scans of the patient's blood flows and tissue mechanics to guide, through an innovative process of Data-Assimilation and Machine Learning, a computational model, ab-initio, of the cardiovascular system. In this way, the medical doctors will have a 4d augmented reality (3d + time) of the evolution of the blood flows of the individual patient within the entire cardiac organ, fine-tuned with the input measured data, being able to visualize and, more importantly, to measure physiological parameters of primary importance such pressure within the heart chambers and the shear stresses on the tissues in a non-invasive and quantitative way, something impossible to do with current diagnostic techniques. 

The project should be considered as a spin-off of what will be developed during the ERC "Smart-TURB" (2021-2026, PI Prof. Luca Biferale), with a strong social impact component, oriented towards the market of new numerical technologies connected to the world of digital health.

The community of the Physics Department of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" warmly congratulates PI Prof. Luca Biferale and the whole team that will work on both projects.